昨 天他和我说了一些事,让我知道原来爱是需要双方面的!!不然最后受伤的还是自己!!单恋的爱情就只会让双方同样的痛苦!!!所以我这次很认正得要放弃他 了!!""最后的疼爱是手放开"""我只想他开心,而所有的痛又我自己面对及承担就好了!!!早上起床全身都感觉无力,好像生病了!!!是心病还是真的病 了呢??连我自己都不确定!!唯一我能确定的是我必需把他忘了!!从这一刻开始我不会再想他,不会再找他!!!要把他从心底拔出来!!!可是心怎么会突然 痛了起来啊???为什么我就不能想开一点,彻彻底底的忘了这个人呢??我真的很努力了!!!我把自己搞得很忙很忙,就是不要再想他,可是只要我一停下来, 回忆又来了!!我真的好讨厌我自己,真的很讨厌!!!快乐对我来说是什么呢???我还能变回原来的我吗???快乐的我已经消失了吧!!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
放弃???放开???这两个字在我脑海里游了好久!!!这几天我一直再反问我自己,我真的要学会放手了吗??就像李圣杰的一首歌"手放开",真的要放下了 吗??这个问题反反复复的问了又问!!!朋友都劝我放弃他吧!!!我还是可以找到比他更好的!!!但是爱上一个人还爱得那么深,可以说放弃就放弃,放开就 放开的吗??如果真的能那么简单的话,那这世上还有真正的爱情吗???这几天很少再找他,需知道这是多么辛苦的事啊??每天都会见到他,但却不能和他说 话,那种感觉真的不好过!!!一天又一天的过去了!!!伤感的心情也慢慢得平复了下来!!!这几天里我很冷静得想了很多事!!!同时另一件事又来临 了!!!在这段时间里一直有个人在我身旁陪伴着我!!!B先生和我表白了!!!突然来的一句"我喜欢你"让我不知要怎么回应他???心矛盾了一会儿... 不知要怎么办??我和他说我心里有个人仍然存在着...所以不能接受他!!!可是他并没有被我的话而放弃!!他和我说不管要他等多久,他都会等到我接受 他,忘记心里的另一个!!! 心有感动了一下!!!但是我真的能做到吗???我还是喜欢着他...每一天都想着他!!!可是现在怎么会突然出现B君呢???在矛盾的情况下,我问了他的 意见!!!不问他还好,一问他心就开始没力了!!!他叫我接受B先生!!!"接受B先生"""这几个字来来回回在我脑海里出现!!!突然鼻子好酸好酸 啊!!!泪也掉了下来!!!被自己所爱的人叫自己去爱上另一个人!!!多么痛的一句话!!!当时的我真的不知该怎样???以为哭可以比较舒服,原来不可 以!!!越哭就只让自己更伤心!!!在想为什么当初我要那么笨去和他表白???为什么要让他这样伤害自己呢??一时间自己都乱了!!!他到底知不知道,我 的心里从开始喜欢他就已经容不下第三者了!!可是他却一次又一次得要我去接受别人!!!心真的很疼!!!难道他就不能为我想一想我的感受吗???我曾经想 过要逃避他,离开这里!!可是他却要我去面对他...为什么要怎样对我啊???要我面对这一切的痛...你怎么可以那么残忍的啊???这几天的心情完全被 他打沉了!!!还好有B先生在我身旁安薇我,逗我开心!!!但是我还是不能够接受他,因为我的心还是放不下他...如果我接受B君,对他很不公平!!!我 到底该怎么做呢???我知道我很固执,不管他怎么伤我,不管朋友怎么劝我,我还是给自己理由不放弃他!!!但这种单恋的爱情真的很辛苦!!等待一个不可能 会爱上自己的人,真的觉得很蠢!!!但有什么办法呢???爱一个人就是这样的!!!我一直一直在期待奇迹的出现....可 是...................!!!!!或许我真的不该再那么固执,不该再让自己痛下去了!!!所以就在2007年7月18日,我决定要放下 他了!!!决定要忘了他,从新开始我的新生活!!!我那天一整天都没找他,因为只有这样才能让自己死心!!!但为什么你又来进入我的生活里呢???你的一 句话又让我心软了下来!!!一句让我再次觉得有希望的话,又让我心软了下来!!!我到底是怎么了??不是说好放下的吗???怎么现在又????你怎么又要 让我觉得有希望呢???难道我的痛苦是你的快乐吗???一直要我放弃的是你,一直叫我不要爱上你的...可是为什么又要说写让我有误会的话呢???你到底 想我怎样呢???我真的很想知道!!!不要再这样对待我好吗???我真的会没力的!!!告诉我,我到底要怎么样才不会再喜欢你呢???
Thursday, July 19, 2007
他可以算是我第一个有冲动要和他说我喜欢他的人吧!!!他是个蛮细心又关心的人,但有时却不知要说他单纯还是笨!!喜欢上他本以为可以是很单纯的喜欢,可 是原来都不是!!第一次和他表白,他却觉得很突然!!他说的理由就很荒妙,他说为何我会喜欢他??为何那么多人我不喜欢却偏偏喜欢他!!!听到他这么说, 心里矛盾了一下下!!!反问回自己,为何我会喜欢他呢???是因为他的关心和细心吗??但有句话是--喜欢上一个人是不需理由的"""....他的惊讶成 了我的问题!!~这代表我成功还是失败了呢??他完全没告诉过我!!!在没有答案的情况下,我唯有和他当成朋友!!!日子一天一天的过,对他的爱也在一天 又一天的增加!!在我鼓起勇气再问他第二次时,恶梦就开始了!!!他在我对他的爱已经很深的时候叫我不要喜欢上他~~~多么伤人的一句话!!他还要我去接 受一个我不爱的人!!当时听到这句话,心突然痛了起来,鼻子开始觉得酸酸的,眼泪不知觉得就掉了下来!!!不哭还好,一哭就哭了好几个小时!!!不管我哭 了多久,心还是很疼!!!心一直再想为何当处在我和他表白的时候就拒决我,而要让我喜欢他到了那么深时才和我说呢???他说过他曾经被女生伤害过,但他有 没有想过我现在是被他伤害了???为何不喜欢我还要让我有希望的感觉呢??难道你这样做不是在伤害我吗??一次又一次的伤害真的让我很想放弃你...可是 我却做不到!!!朋友看到我这样都劝我放弃你,可是我却一直在说服我自己!!!让自己不要放弃你!!!直到那天,听到你的好友说你心里已经有另个人的存 在,我的心顿时又受伤了!!!当时的我一直再说服自己不要无思乱想!!!不要乱做决定!!!在上下不安的心情下,我鼓起最后的勇气问你!!!你说给的答案 虽然我不知是真是假,但我选择信任你!!!同时也很高兴你所说的答案!!!但是好景不常,这一天我又受伤了!!!你又再叫我不要喜欢你了!!!你说你不是 个好的男友,而且对我没有超过朋友的感觉!!!听到这里,泪也在不知的情况下掉了下来!!! 好痛的一句话!!!为何要这样耍我呢???让我有了希望,可是你却把它毁了!!!那种跌进谷里的感觉你知道有多痛吗??一次又一次这样对待我,一次又一次 得伤害我,这有让你开心到吗???应该有吧~~~一相情愿的爱情注定是受伤害的~~~可是为什么我就是放不下他呢???朋友个个都叫我放弃他,可是你们都 以为要放弃心里面的那个人真的那么容易吗???我到底该怎么做呢??
Thursday, July 5, 2007
How to make a cheese cake???
My specialty-cheesecake!!!when i'm asked to bring a dessert some where , sure i'll choose cheesecake.I'll like eat cheesecake since i'm 15 years old...At that time, i have interested in making my own cheesecakes...so,when my mum or my aunt sees a cheesecake recepe in magazine or news paper or seach on the web...sure they will cut it for me.Cheesecakes are pretty, easy to make ,but are very elegant desserts.So now i will able to discuss how 2 make a chocolate cheesecake...
sure to be afavorite if you all are a chocolate lover (like me)!!!
Things that we need:
1/3 cup butter ,
1 1/4 cups chocolate wafer crumbs
2 teaspoons of sugar
3 packages cream cheese , softened
1 can sweetened condensed milk (300 ml)
8 squares semi-sweet chocolate
4 eggs and
2 teaspoons vanilla
Combine chocolate wafer crumbs , sugar and butter , press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan . Bake at 350F for at least 10 minutes.
Then,in a large mixer bowl,beat cream cheese until fluffy . Add sweetened condensed milk and beat until smooth.
Add eggs,chocolate and vanilla....Mix well after each addition!!!Pour over crust!!!
Spoon into crust and bake at 450F for 10 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 250F.Continue baking for 30-40 minutes.Loosen cake from rim of pan.Chill!!!
Check the cake for doneness!!!The very center should jiggle slightly.Avoid using a knife or toothpick to check for doneness!!!
Lastly,let the cake cool completely at room temperature , then refrigerate!!!then our chocolate cheesecake is done!!!
"Yummy~~~love cheesecake """
sure to be afavorite if you all are a chocolate lover (like me)!!!
Things that we need:
1/3 cup butter ,
1 1/4 cups chocolate wafer crumbs
2 teaspoons of sugar
3 packages cream cheese , softened
1 can sweetened condensed milk (300 ml)
8 squares semi-sweet chocolate
4 eggs and
2 teaspoons vanilla
Combine chocolate wafer crumbs , sugar and butter , press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan . Bake at 350F for at least 10 minutes.
Then,in a large mixer bowl,beat cream cheese until fluffy . Add sweetened condensed milk and beat until smooth.
Add eggs,chocolate and vanilla....Mix well after each addition!!!Pour over crust!!!
Spoon into crust and bake at 450F for 10 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 250F.Continue baking for 30-40 minutes.Loosen cake from rim of pan.Chill!!!
Check the cake for doneness!!!The very center should jiggle slightly.Avoid using a knife or toothpick to check for doneness!!!
Lastly,let the cake cool completely at room temperature , then refrigerate!!!then our chocolate cheesecake is done!!!
"Yummy~~~love cheesecake """
My class~~~~
Today i'm going to talk about my class...My class is DBU(Business Administration) year 1 group 8!!This is a quiet nice class !!All my classmates are friendly,helpfully,nicelly and etc....32 person having in our class!! Just like a big family...Our classmate came from many places such as Sabah,Negeri Sembilan,Pahang and etc...I'm queit happy to know about them,because i can know about them and become classmates eventhough they come from other state!!!I still can remember the 1st day that i came to Tarc collage...On that day, i really feel scared because i have came to a new school,some more all my secondary friends are not taking the same course with me..I'm the just one taking business administration...They all taking accounting,because we are accouting students when secondary school!!!
Back to saying my class,i still remember that the 1st day we having tutorial class!!!I saw many new faces in my class...we even know each other,but luckly i have 2 friends accompony me study this course...but they not same school with me before...At that moment,i won't feel so lonely and scared!!Because of got freinds accompany me ..i won't feel scared and started to know other friends in my class!!!I feel that our classmate all really very friendly...especially our assistant!!!Because he is a talkative person,so he can fastly know each other in our class!!!He is a quiet nice person that i saw!!!Beside that,i feel nice when talking or chating with my classmates , because they won't like some people that will choice person to be freinds...some more they won't have jealous feeling or some not nice feeling!!!So, when chat with them really will feel nice!!!
Beside that,our class also can say that is a noisy class!!!Every time when teacher ask questions,we sure will excited to answer those questions...Therefore, our lecture also say that our class is better than other classes not just because we excited on answer the question...we also is the noisiest!!!We won't stop talking to each other when free...we have a classmate that won ttnight gruop champian !!!She is a person that like to sing...so,when we walking to classroom or to canteen or just working on the road...the sure things that she will do is "sing"!!!so,it can say that she is our "class radio"!!Beside that, now my class have a fun topic is about the "NO PORK" video...If one of my classmate talk about this topic, sure all of us will laugh at same period..some more they have memories all the dialogue !!quiet funny!!!
Lastly, I really happy that having a hapiness class n nice classmate...Because of them,i won't feel that i'm lonely again!!!Hope that we will be friends forever....
Back to saying my class,i still remember that the 1st day we having tutorial class!!!I saw many new faces in my class...we even know each other,but luckly i have 2 friends accompony me study this course...but they not same school with me before...At that moment,i won't feel so lonely and scared!!Because of got freinds accompany me ..i won't feel scared and started to know other friends in my class!!!I feel that our classmate all really very friendly...especially our assistant!!!Because he is a talkative person,so he can fastly know each other in our class!!!He is a quiet nice person that i saw!!!Beside that,i feel nice when talking or chating with my classmates , because they won't like some people that will choice person to be freinds...some more they won't have jealous feeling or some not nice feeling!!!So, when chat with them really will feel nice!!!
Beside that,our class also can say that is a noisy class!!!Every time when teacher ask questions,we sure will excited to answer those questions...Therefore, our lecture also say that our class is better than other classes not just because we excited on answer the question...we also is the noisiest!!!We won't stop talking to each other when free...we have a classmate that won ttnight gruop champian !!!She is a person that like to sing...so,when we walking to classroom or to canteen or just working on the road...the sure things that she will do is "sing"!!!so,it can say that she is our "class radio"!!Beside that, now my class have a fun topic is about the "NO PORK" video...If one of my classmate talk about this topic, sure all of us will laugh at same period..some more they have memories all the dialogue !!quiet funny!!!
Lastly, I really happy that having a hapiness class n nice classmate...Because of them,i won't feel that i'm lonely again!!!Hope that we will be friends forever....
Sadness Day in my life....
Today is a sadness day to me!!!how come i will say like this???my birthday date is coming soon,today my friends accompany me say that they wanted celebrate my birthday with me!!I'm so happy when know they wanted to celebrate with me!!But i still have to ask for my parents position !!!I'm in hapiness mood waiting to ask my pearents!!!I'm so excited!!Besides that, i also worry about my parents they won't give me celebrated my birthday with my friends!!!But i still haven try to ask,so i can't do any decesion!!1i'm now waiting my parents back!!!
"Click~~Clock~~Click ~~CLock~~~"the clock now is already 6:00 p.m.
My dearly father came back from work...i quickly run down from my room and started to ask him!!After i ask,his face look like unhappy and just tell me 1 word!!I'm thinking that he will say "OK"..but unluckly..he say "NO"!!!my heart suddenly like broken...can even hear the broken sound.."King Kang"...I keep asking him y he din let me celebrate with my friends??But he din tell me the reason,just say can't.....at that moment..my mood drop from hapiness to sadness!!!I already wanted to cry....i went back to my room and started thinking the reason that y my father won't let me celebrate.....
"If you get there before i do
Don't give up on me....
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long i'll be"
At that time, my radio sounding this song--LOVE ME singing by collin Raye!!when hear this song,suddenly i cry!!!Feel that how come my parents won't tHInk about my feeling ...how come they can treat me like this...i know they worry about me,but i just go out with my friends,just only wanted to celebrate my birthday!!!but....haih...My heart endless with pain and hurt!!A bad mood and bad day and sadness day to me...My heart still pain and i really hope that they will change their mind and let me celebrate my birthday!!!!
"Click~~Clock~~Click ~~CLock~~~"the clock now is already 6:00 p.m.
My dearly father came back from work...i quickly run down from my room and started to ask him!!After i ask,his face look like unhappy and just tell me 1 word!!I'm thinking that he will say "OK"..but unluckly..he say "NO"!!!my heart suddenly like broken...can even hear the broken sound.."King Kang"...I keep asking him y he din let me celebrate with my friends??But he din tell me the reason,just say can't.....at that moment..my mood drop from hapiness to sadness!!!I already wanted to cry....i went back to my room and started thinking the reason that y my father won't let me celebrate.....
"If you get there before i do
Don't give up on me....
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long i'll be"
At that time, my radio sounding this song--LOVE ME singing by collin Raye!!when hear this song,suddenly i cry!!!Feel that how come my parents won't tHInk about my feeling ...how come they can treat me like this...i know they worry about me,but i just go out with my friends,just only wanted to celebrate my birthday!!!but....haih...My heart endless with pain and hurt!!A bad mood and bad day and sadness day to me...My heart still pain and i really hope that they will change their mind and let me celebrate my birthday!!!!
Intro....from m3...
Hi, everyone here...welcome to my blog n thank for reading my blog here!!!
Acually i really dunno what thing that i going to write in this blog!!
Just because my english is not as well as the other people,
so if got any grammar mistake,hope u all won't mind!!!
In this blog sure i'll share all my adventure story....hapiness...sadness...etc...
so, if anyone wanted to know more about me then can have a look at my blog!!!
Hope u all enjoy it n STAY COOL!!! ^@^
By:xiang xiang ^@^
Acually i really dunno what thing that i going to write in this blog!!
Just because my english is not as well as the other people,
so if got any grammar mistake,hope u all won't mind!!!
In this blog sure i'll share all my adventure story....hapiness...sadness...etc...
so, if anyone wanted to know more about me then can have a look at my blog!!!
Hope u all enjoy it n STAY COOL!!! ^@^
By:xiang xiang ^@^
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